Florida Universities Receive $20 Million to Study Gulf
Florida’s universities have received $20 million to study the long-term effects of last year’s BP Gulf Coast oil spill disaster.
Florida’s universities have received $20 million to study the long-term effects of last year’s BP Gulf Coast oil spill disaster.
Researchers at Connecticut College in New London will study the impact last year’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill on coastal ecosystems, as part of a $112.5 million research consortia formed to study the BP oil spill.
Texas A&M University researchers in the College of Geosciences and the Dwight Look College of Engineering are the lead investigators in a $14.4 million project that will investigate the transport and eventual fate of petroleum fluids that have erupted at depth, such as those that resulted from the Deepwater Horizon spill last year.
Two Texas groups are among the first to receive grants from BP’s Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative to study how last year’s massive oil spill impacted the environment and to develop methods to better respond to future spills.
A research group led by the University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science was awarded an $11 million grant to study the ecological impacts of last year’s gulf oil spill and the unprecedented use of dispersants.
University of West Florida researchers will participate in two major studies on the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico’s ecosystem.
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Funds Eight Research Teams, Additional Grant Competition to be Announced Soon
A group of institutions led by the University of Texas’ Marine Sciences Institute has been awarded a grant to research how oil spills disperse in the Gulf of Mexico.
The nation will be looking to Florida State University and its expertise in the marine sciences as it studies the long-term after effects and changes in the Gulf of Mexico following last year’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
On Tuesday, the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Research Board, charged with administering BP’s commitment, announced that eight research consortia will share $112.5 million of that $500 million over the next three years.