Video: USF Researchers Prep for Unprecedented Gulf Trip
USF Researchers Prep for Unprecedented Gulf Trip
USF Researchers Prep for Unprecedented Gulf Trip
Team will board the R/V Weatherbird II for the longest research cruise to date in a six-year plan to fully understand 2010 and 1979 oil spills
Evidence suggests that when oil interacts with particles in the marine environment, it can form larger, rapidly sinking particles called marine snow.
Summer 2016 – Guest Frequently Asked Questions with Dave Westerholm – JULY 29, 2016 (From Summer 2016 Newsletter) GoMRI is pleased to have Dave Westerholm, Director of NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration, answering a few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about NOAA’s role in oil spill response and how the science community can be involved…
Summer 2016 – Note from the Research Board Chair – JULY 29, 2016 (From Summer 2016 Newsletter) Dr. Rita Colwell, University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University Women in Oil Spill Science and Those Recruited Through the GoMRI Program Historically women have not played a major role in oceanography and oil spill research, mainly because…
Summer 2016 – Education Spotlight – JULY 29, 2016 (From Summer 2016 Newsletter) ECOGIG brought their Ocean Discovery Zone Exhibit to the 2016 Atlanta Science Festival which took place in the Olympic Centennial Park in Atlanta and had over 17,000 attendees. Visit ECOGIG’s Facebook page for photos from the event and ECOGIG’s Vimeo page for…
Summer 2016 – GoMRI Researcher Interview with Dr. Frank Hernandez – JULY 29, 2016 (From Summer 2016 Newsletter) Dr. Frank Hernandez from the University of Southern Mississippi answered a few questions about his RFP-II project, Resolving Deepwater Horizon Impacts on Highly Variable Ichthyoplankton and Zooplankton Dynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, and his role…
GoMRI Attends 2016 National Marine Educators Association Conference in Orlando – JULY 29, 2016 (From Summer 2016 Newsletter) Members of the GoMRI management team and several GoMRI Consortia outreach coordinators attended the 2016 National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) conference in Orlando, FL from June 27-July 1, 2016. GoMRI hosted a booth in the Exhibit Hall…
CRGC Helps to Build Resiliency Among Gulf Coast Communities – JULY 29, 2016 (From Summer 2016 Newsletter) Contributing Author: Elizabeth Thornton, CRGC Outreach Coordinator The Consortium for Resilient Gulf Communities (CRGC) is unique among the GoMRI-funded consortia; their efforts primarily focus on assessing and addressing the social, economic, and public health impacts of the Deepwater…
Scientists developed the first molecular-level comparison of photochemical effects on surrogate and Macondo (MC252) oil to better understand this weathering process and the toxicity mechanisms it produces.