Richard E. Dodge, PhD
Dean, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center
Dr. Richard E. Dodge is Dean of, and Professor at, the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Oceanographic Center (OC). NSU is the 7th largest private not-for-profit university in the nation. The NSUOC is one of 16 academic divisions of NSU. Dodge is also Executive Director of the NSU Center’s National Coral Reef Institute (NCRI). NSU NCRI is devoted to providing management based research outcomes focusing on monitoring, assessment, and restoration of coral reefs.
Dodge received a B.A. degree from the University of Maine in 1969 and the M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Geology & Geophysics from Yale University in 1973 and 1978. He is a recognized authority on corals and coral reef ecosystems. He has conducted research in Haiti, Saudi Arabia, Puerto Rico, Barbados, Turks & Caicos, Jamaica, Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Panama, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Cape Verde Islands, Sao Tome & Principe (Gulf of Guinea), Mexico, and Florida. Dodge has held grants and contracts from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the US Geological Survey, the U.S. Navy, Florida Sea Grant, NOAA, the EPA, South Florida Water Management District, Marine Spill Response Corporation, MMS, Office of Naval Research, State of Florida DEP and FWC, Broward Co, and the US Department of Justice.
He is the author of many publications in the scientific literature and reports for various agencies and institutions. He has expertise on the effects of natural and man-induced impacts to coral reefs, including oil pollution. He has served as an expert witness on coral reef injuries. He has been a board member of the Marine Industries Association of South Florida (MIASF). He is past Editor of the international scientific journal Coral Reefs. He served for 5 years as a member of the Scientific Review Board of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute to oversee a Minerals Management Service oil spill effects contract. He has conducted oil and dispersed oil effect field and lab research on corals and coral reefs in Panama and Bermuda. Dodge is a former member of the coral advisory committee for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries Management Council and the coral advisory committee for the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council. Dodge is a founding member of the Florida Coastal Ocean Observing System Caucus and Research Consortium. He was Chair of the Local Organizing Committee for the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium held July, 2008 in Ft. Lauderdale Florida. This was the largest coral reef conference in the world. Dodge is the past elected President of SECOORA (Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association), composed of ocean observing stakeholders from Florida, Georgia, and North and South Carolina. He serves on the SECOORA Executive Committee. Dodge is also a board member of the Port Everglades Association and the Florida Ocean Alliance.