RFP-I – Closed
The purpose of RFP-I is to select the research activities for GoMRI Years 2–4 (1 June 2011– 31 May 2014) involving Research Consortia. For this solicitation, a Research Consortium is defined as having four or more institutions. The total funds available for distribution to Research Consortia through RFP-I will be a minimum of $37.5 million per year. Four to eight Research Consortia will be selected, and funding for each is estimated to be between $1 million (minimum) and $7.5 million (maximum) per year.
The major research themes to be addressed in RFP-I are:
- Physical distribution, dispersion, and dilution of petroleum (oil and gas), its constituents, and associated contaminants (e.g., dispersants) under the action of physical oceanographic processes, air–sea interactions, and tropical storms.
- Chemical evolution and biological degradation of the petroleum/dispersant systems and subsequent interaction with coastal, open-ocean, and deep-water ecosystems.
- Environmental effects of the petroleum/dispersant system on the sea floor, water column, coastal waters, beach sediments, wetlands, marshes, and organisms; and the science of ecosystem recovery.
- Technology developments for improved response, mitigation, detection, characterization, and remediation associated with oil spills and gas releases.
- Fundamental scientific research integrating results from the other four themes in the context of public health.
Each Research Consortium proposal is expected to develop and enunciate a clear plan to address any one of these themes or a cross-disciplinary program of work involving a grouping of some of these topics. The plan should clearly describe how the proposed research would serve to accomplish the long-term goals of the GoMRI.
The Research Consortia will be chosen through a competitive peer review of the proposals submitted in response to this RFP. The peer-review process, selection of funded Research Consortia, and continuation annual funding will be carried out under the direction of the GoMRI Research Board.
- Request For Proposals
- Instructions
- Cover Page Template
- Current Pending Support Template
- Annual Budget Template
Investigators seeking collaborators for GoMRI Research Consortium proposals can read about and post such requests on the “GoMRI Collaboration Forum”