Update (9/21/2017): The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Research Board has selected a total of 31 research proposals to be funded under this program’s final two-year grants to support research on effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Approximately $35 million will go to eight Research Consortia and approximately $15 million to 23 small research teams. To learn more, click HERE.
Update (3/21/2017): The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative received 186 full proposals in response to RFP-VI consisting of 23 Research Consortia and 163 Individual Investigator or Collaborative Effort submissions. Peer review will begin in May.
Update (12/9/2016): The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative received 268 Letters of Intent (LOI) for RFP-VI prior to the LOI deadline which consists of 34 Research Consortia and 234 Individual Investigator or Collaborative Effort submissions. The deadline to submit questions on RFP-VI is Friday, February 17, 2017. The deadline for submitting full proposals is Friday, March 3, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time/ 4:00 p.m. Central time.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) is pleased to release the GoMRI Request for Proposals for 2018-2019 to fund research activities for GoMRI Years 9-10 (1 January 2018–31 December 2019). This RFP-VI, will build on previous RFPs, will be the final research competition, and will only fund two-year awards.
The Research Board calls for consortia and individual investigators’ proposals at the same time in order to fund the best science that complements the research efforts completed or in progress under RFP- I through RFP-V. To learn more about past and currently funded GoMRI research, please review: http://research.gulfresearchinitiative.org/.
The 2018-2019 GoMRI RFP will focus on the five GoMRI Research Themes as well as a call for scientific synthesis. Proposals may address multiple themes. In addition, this RFP calls for submissions that may include:
- Continuation of previously designated research themes and topics that have emerged;
- Data integration from various sources;
- Scientific synthesis across themes and consortia; and/or
- Other overarching scientific and technological products exploiting the GoMRI scientific legacy.
The awards will be chosen through a competitive peer review of the proposals submitted in response to this RFP. The peer-review process and selection of funded proposals will be carried out under the direction of the GoMRI Research Board.
The previous GoMRI success rate for this types of solicitation was <5% of the total proposals submitted. To learn more about past and currently funded GoMRI research, please review: http://research.gulfresearchinitiative.org/.
Please share this announcement with your interested colleagues.
Key Documents
View the full RFP-VI here.
This annotated version of the Master Research Agreement (MRA) is to be used as a reference by RFP-VI applicants.
Many RFP-VI questions can be answered by visiting the FAQ page.
Significant Dates and Times
- February 1, 2016 ‒ Save the date announcement
- October 3, 2016 – RFP-VI release
- November 14, 2016 – Letter of Intent deadline
- February 17, 2017 – Deadline to submit questions to RFP-VI FAQ page
- March 3, 2017 – Full proposal deadline
- September 2017 – Award announcement
- January 1, 2018 – Award start date
- December 31, 2019 – Award end date (no later than)
- June 30, 2020 – No Cost Extension deadline (no later than)