Request for Sample Analysis Funds FAQ
Thank you for your interest in the Request for Sample Analysis Funds. Please see below for responses to frequently asked questions. Be sure to check back frequently, as responses will be added. If you have a question that is not addressed below, please send it to
QUESTION 1: What samples are eligible to be analyzed through this opportunity?
QUESTION 2: Who can submit a Request for Sample Analysis Funds?
QUESTION 3: Can a Consortia Director or PI submit multiple requests?
QUESTION 5: How many years of funding can be proposed? Is there a limit to the proposed timeframe?
QUESTION 9: Are publication costs allowed in the sample analysis funds request?
QUESTION 13: What are the requirements for submitting sample analysis data to GRIIDC?
QUESTION 15: What kind of reporting requirements will there be?
QUESTION 22: Who can make the Request for Sample Analysis Funds? Are co-PI’s eligible?
QUESTION 25: When submitting, are we allowed to upload multiple files?
QUESTION 1: What samples are eligible to be analyzed through this opportunity?
Answer 1: All samples (or sample sets) proposed for sample analysis must have been collected prior to submission of the Funding for Sample Analysis Request. Any samples collected after June 4, 2018 are not eligible.
QUESTION 2: Who can submit a Request for Sample Analysis Funds?
Answer 2: Only currently-funded RFP-IV and RFP-VI Consortium Directors and RFP-V and RFP-VI Principal Investigators (PI) are eligible to submit a request.
QUESTION 3: Can a Consortia Director or PI submit multiple requests?
Answer 3: Only one submitted request will be allowed, however that request may include multiple sample analysis activities listed in priority order.
QUESTION 4: The GoMRI Budget Template has tabs for up to five sample analysis activities. Are we limited in the number of sample analysis activities we can propose?
Answer 4: No. Each currently funded Consortium Director or PI may submit multiple sample analysis activities listed in priority order. If a Consortium Director or PI has more than five sample analysis activities to propose, please adapt the spreadsheet by adding the appropriate number to tabs. Be sure to adjust the formulas on the first tab, Cumulative.
QUESTION 5: How many years of funding can be proposed? Is there a limit to the proposed timeframe?
Answer 5: Funding is limited to the period of performance, including the anticipated No Cost Extension period, for the current award (RFP-IV, RFP-V, or RFP-VI) under which this request is being submitted.
QUESTION 6: Is travel for research dissemination, such as attending a scientific conference, allowable under this opportunity?
Answer 6: Travel costs are intended solely for the purpose of sample analysis, not research dissemination. For example, travel would be allowed for an individual to access specific instrumentation needed for the analysis.
QUESTION 7: On the website, it states that “3 page limit per sample analysis activity”. For example, if we propose 3 sample analysis activities, does that mean the total page limit is 9?
Answer 7: Yes, if the Request for Sample Analysis Funding includes 3 discrete sample analysis activities, the total page limit would be 9 pages. The narrative for each discrete sample analysis activity may not exceed 3 pages in length.
QUESTION 8: Should we include a summary or list of references within the narrative for the Request for Sample Analysis Funds?
Answer 8: No. Please include only the information requested in the Request for Sample Analysis Funds, which can be found here: If you feel that references are critical, they must be included within the 3 page limit for each discrete sample analysis activity.
QUESTION 9: Are publication costs allowed in the sample analysis funds request?
Answer 9: No, publication costs are not allowed.
QUESTION 10: Can the request include salary support for personnel to perform additional analyses on existing samples?
Answer 10: Yes, if the additional analyses would contribute to or complete hypothesis testing or allow for the testing of new or supplemental hypotheses as they relate to the GoMRI research themes.
QUESTION 11: Can the request include salary support for personnel to perform interpretation and publication of results from experiments conducted at an earlier time?
Answer 11: No. The request may only include salary support for analysis of samples.
QUESTION 12: Regarding the narrative, the instructions state that it is a 3 page limit for each discrete sample analysis activity. Is discrete sample analysis activity referring to analyses of each co-PI or each individual type of analysis?
Answer 12: Discrete sample analysis activity is referring to each individual type of analysis. For example, if a researcher has one set of samples and would like to conduct two different analyses, this would be considered two discrete sample analysis activities. Each would include a separate, 3-page limit narrative, to be listed in priority order within the cumulative request.
QUESTION 13: What are the requirements for submitting sample analysis data to GRIIDC?
Answer 13: By submitting a Request for Sample Analysis Funds under the GoMRI, each PI, Consortium Director, research institution, and co-PI agrees to the GoMRI data policies. According to the most recent update of the GoMRI Data Policy and Procedures, all data is required to be available to GRIIDC and accessible to the public at the time of publication and/or within 1 year of collections (whichever is sooner). Data submission requirements will be the same as those for the current award under which this request is being submitted.
QUESTION 14: Can the lead consortium include administrative costs, especially additional time for Data Manager, and Deputy Director, to help get this portion of the additional work completed?
Answer 14: No, the request may only include salary support for analysis of samples.
QUESTION 15: What kind of reporting requirements will there be?
Answer 15: If awarded, this funding will be added to the current award via a contract modification. Reporting requirements will be the same as those for the current award.
QUESTION 16: Is it allowable to subcontract with individuals or institutions from outside of the existing Consortium?
Answer 16: Yes. However, please consider the time constraints of the existing award.
QUESTION 17: The RFP states that each discrete sample analysis proposal should not exceed $200k in cost. Is that direct costs or total cost?
Answer 17: The total cost of each discrete sample analysis should not exceed $200k.
QUESTION 18: Should a cover letter or title page, etc. be included with the sample analysis narrative?
Answer 18: The Request for Sample Analysis Funding does not require a cover letter or title page.
QUESTION 19: Will analysis of computer-simulation generated datasets to test hypotheses, and other digital samples, be considered under the Request for Sample Analysis Funds?
Answer 19: Yes. Applicant must provide clear evidence that the simulations have been run and the resultant datasets are available. The additional analyses would contribute to or complete hypothesis testing or allow for the testing of new or supplemental hypotheses as they relate to the GoMRI research themes.
QUESTION 20: Regarding the Request for Sample Analysis Funds Budget Template, how should we include multiple institutions for the same analysis activity?
Answer 20: The Request for Sample Analysis Funds Budget Template was designed with the assumption that each discrete sample analysis activity would be managed by a single institution. However, if that is not the case, please compile the budget for each discrete sample analysis activity, inclusive of all involved institutions. If awarded, a budget in the form of the quarterly GoMRI financial report, with all additional funding allocated by subaward, will be required prior to contract modification.
QUESTION 21: : Is the budget template of the budget justification included in the 3 page limit for the activity narrative?
Answer 21: No, the budget template and budget justification are not included in those 3 pages.
QUESTION 22: : Who can make the Request for Sample Analysis Funds? Are co-PI’s eligible?
Answer 22: Only submission from either the Consortia Director or the Lead PI will be considered. Please keep in mind that each currently funded Consortium Director or PI may submit one request only, which may include multiple sample analysis activities listed in priority order.
QUESTION 23: : If switching universities or organizations, can a subcontract be moved from one university to another?
Answer 23: If awarded, this funding will be added to the current award via a contract modification and will be subject to all the terms and conditions of that award.
QUESTION 24: : Are you allowed to submit or be a part of multiple requests? For example, am I eligible to make my own request and to be a subcontractor on a second one?
Answer 24: Yes, there is no stated limit to the number of requests an individual is a part of. You are allowed to be involved with multiple requests.
QUESTION 25: : When submitting, are we allowed to upload multiple files?
Answer 25: No, all submissions, including all required documents, must be combined and submitted in a single portable document format (pdf) file.
QUESTION 26: : If our institution has a new indirect cost rate since we were awarded funding from GOMRI in 2017, can we utilize the new rate in this Request for Sample Analysis Funds budget?
Answer 26: No, this funding will be added to the current award via a contract modification and will be subject to all the terms and conditions of that award thus the indirect cost rate used in the Request for Sample Analysis Funds must be the approved rate agreed upon for the current award (RFP-IV, RFP-V, or RFP-VI).