GoMRI Attends the Centennial AGU Fall Meeting
– JANUARY 14, 2020
(From Fall 2019 Newsletter) Members of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) management team and the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) attended the 2019 Centennial celebration of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) at its annual Fall Meeting. GoMRI and GRIIDC co-hosted an exhibit booth and representatives spent four days interacting with conference attendees and sharing information. Many promotional materials were distributed to help remind attendees where they can find more information on GoMRI and the data legacy of GRIIDC. Visitors to the booth were especially interested in the GoMRI Synthesis efforts and outcomes, as well as the availability of terabytes of data through GRIIDC.
Many GoMRI scientists were in attendance and it was great to see familiar faces as they stopped by the booth! The C-IMAGE consortium hosted a Story Collider event on Thursday, December 12 to share true, personal stories about science (you can read more about that event on page 2).
The 2019 AGU Fall Meeting marked the Centennial of AGU and brought together ~27,000 Earth and space scientists. More information on the AGU Fall Meeting is available here, including information on future meetings.