RFP-IV: Save the Date
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) is pleased to announce the development of the GoMRI Request for Proposals for 2015-2017 GoMRI Research Consortia.
The purpose of the 2015-2017 GoMRI Research Consortia RFP, to be released in mid-November 2013, is to select the research activities for GoMRI Years 5–7 (1 January 2015–31 December 2017) involving Research Consortia, defined as a contractual arrangement between a PI and co-PIs at four or more institutions.The total funds available for distribution to Research Consortia through the 2015-2017 GoMRI Research Consortia RFP will be approximately $35 million per year. A RFP for individual and small research group investigations will be forthcoming in late 2014.
The 2015-2017 GoMRI Research Consortia RFP will include the five GoMRI Research Themes. The GoMRI Research Board anticipates inclusion of additional guidance within the RFP related to these five themes. Each Research Consortium proposal is expected to develop and enunciate a clear plan to address any one of these themes or a cross-disciplinary program of work involving a grouping of some of these themes.
As with previous funding announcements under this program, GoMRI funding decisions will be made in accordance with National Science Board peer evaluation protocols. Each Research Consortium will be led by a US academic or non-profit research institution. It is anticipated that the Lead Research Institution will be located in a Gulf state. Consortia participants can include governmental or nonprofit academic and research institutions (the RFP will contain specific guidance). Each proposal will be considered on its own merits.
Unlike previous RFPs, the 2015-2017 GoMRI Research Consortia RFP will include a pre-proposal step. Pre-proposals will be required to qualify for submission of a full proposal in response to the 2015-2017 GoMRI Research Consortia RFP. Based on evaluation of the pre-proposals, applicants will receive feedback encouraging or discouraging them to submit a full proposal. Submission of a pre-proposal will be required for submission of a full proposal, regardless of the nature of the feedback. Even if a pre-proposal is discouraged from submission of a full proposal, the applicants may submit a full proposal. Failure to submit a pre-proposal will disqualify a full proposal.
The GoMRI Research Board encourages potential applicants to consider focusing on their strengths, rather than attempting to cover all research themes included in the RFP. Potential consortia should focus on the quality of the proposed research, rather than quantity, and demonstrate clear knowledge of advances in the field to date.
2015-2017 GoMRI Research Consortia RFP Timeline (subject to change):
- November 15, 2013 –2015-2017 GoMRI Research Consortia RFP release
- January 15, 2014 – Pre-proposal deadline
- January 16–March 3, 2014 – Pre-proposal review and feedback
- June 2, 2014 – Full proposal deadline
- November 14, 2014 – Award announcement
- January 1, 2015 – Award start date
Please share this announcement with your interested colleagues. The GoMRI looks forward to receiving your pre-proposals!