C-IMAGE Leads the Publication of Two Books Focused on Oil Spills
– JUNE 19, 2019
(From Spring 2019 Newsletter) Contributing Author: Sherryl Gilbert, C-IMAGE Assistant Director
Two text books focused on oil spill science and response have been published by Springer Nature Publishing Company. The development of the books was led by the Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of the Gulf Ecosystem (C-IMAGE). Steven Murawski (C-IMAGE, University of South Florida), Cameron Ainsworth (C-IMAGE, University of South Florida), Sherryl Gilbert (C-IMAGE, University of South Florida), David Hollander (C-IMAGE, University of South Florida), Claire Paris (C-IMAGE, Relationships of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish for Validation of Ecological Risk (RECOVER), University of Miami), Michael Schlüter (C-IMAGE, Hamburg University of Technology), and Dana Wetzel (C-IMAGE, Mote Marine Laboratory) served as editors and authors. Nearly 150 additional researchers, many of whom are funded by GoMRI and involved in GoMRI-funded consortia and projects, authored articles. Together, the two books feature 63 chapters. The first book, Deep Oil Spills – Facts, Fate, and Effects, includes sections on Physics and Chemistry of Deep Oil Well Blowouts; Transport and Degradation of Oil and Gas from Deep Spills; Oil Spill Records in Deep Sea Sediments; Impacts of Deep Spills on Plankton, Fishes, and Protected Resources; Toxicology of Deep Oil Spills; and Ecosystem-level Modeling of Deep Oil Spill Impacts. The second book, Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills – Fighting the Next War, includes sections on Geological, Chemical, Ecological, and Physical Oceanographic Settings and Baselines for Deep Oil Spills in the Gulf of Mexico; Simulations of Future Deep Spills; Comparisons of Likely Impacts from Simulated Spills; and Preparing for and Responding to the Next Deepwater Spill.
The goals of the books are to synthesize a large part of the GoMRI-funded research that is directly related to risk reduction, oil spill preparedness, and ecosystem health assessment, and to use this new body of knowledge to project how the research and response communities might better respond to future spills. The editors included contributions from researchers beyond the GoMRI community that work for the federal government, in academia, and in private industry. Both volumes identify remaining key research questions yet to be answered and how these unknowns could impact decision making in light of production trends in the oil and gas industry.
The books are considered Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Synthesis and Legacy products. They will be available in both hardcover and eBook formats later this summer, but they can be preordered now on the Springer website here and here.