Fall 2016 – Note from the Research Board Chair
– NOVEMBER 28, 2016
(From Fall 2016 Newsletter) Dr. Rita Colwell, University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University
Announcing the Release of GoMRI’s Special Issue of Oceanography
The Research Board is pleased to announce the release of the special issue of the journal Oceanography featuring the GoMRI scientific team and research. The special issue is titled “GoMRI: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science” and reflects the excellent efforts of our Research Board members, GoMRI scientists, and our Management Team. John Shepherd, Ken Halanych, Debi Benoit, and Richard Shaw from the Research Board and GoMRI’s Chief Scientific Officer Chuck Wilson served as guest editors. The issue is the first compilation of research accomplished to date and represents a synthesis of the science GoMRI has funded over the past six years. I am pleased to share this publication with you.
The special issue focuses on several of the scientific questions GoMRI scientists are seeking to answer: What happens to oil post spill? What role(s) do dispersants play in mitigation? How did the Deepwater Horizon oil spill impact the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico? Are the beaches and seafood safe?
The articles in this issue provide an overview of the GoMRI program and research model, and cover data management and education and outreach, as well as efforts to engage with public health agencies and the issue of risk perception.
This special issue is the first of several being prepared to provide the widest audience possible a view of the research accomplished and underway and information of findings to date. In addition to this and subsequent special issues, GoMRI has supported documentary films, media releases, and more formal communication through scientific publications in peer reviewed journals, books, and press releases. The objective is to work closely with a fully informed public.
We are indebted to those who worked diligently on this special issue and wish to thank the editors of Oceanography for their assistance and guidance in the preparation of this special issue of the journal. Please view the journal on the Oceanography website and also on the GoMRI website here.