RFP-V Frequently Asked Questions
Select a category to navigate to that set of questions:
- Awards and Contracting
- Budget
- Eligibility
- GoMRI/Research Board
- Peer Review
- Personnel
- Research Themes
- Proposal Submission (Instructions, Forms)
- Proposal Content (Required Information)
- FAQ Updates
Category: Awards and Contracting
Q: How large will RFP-V awards be?
A: Funding for each approved proposal is expected to be between $100,000 (minimum) and $1 million (maximum) per year for up to 3 years. The level of funding for each project is expected to be different, concomitant with the requirements of the research to be performed. The total funds available for distribution through RFP-V will be approximately $9.3 million per year for up to 3 years.
Q: Who will handle grant administration?
A: As described in the GoMRI Master Research Agreement (MRA), BP will transmit funds to a non-profit entity (the Grant Unit) for distribution to RFP-V PIs, and the Grant Unit will enter into grant agreements with the Lead Research Institution of each awarded RFP-V proposal.
Q: What is the timeline for the selection process once proposals have been submitted?
A: The announcement of awards funded in response to RFP-V will be made in mid-November 2015.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of subawards allowed? If so, can subawards be made through a collaborating institution?
A: There is no limit on the number of subawards allowed. Subawards must be made through the lead institution, and GoMRI will require copies of all subaward agreements.
Category: Budget
Q: Are we allowed to include facility fees (e.g., Ohmsett) in the budget?
A: Yes. Allocated research funds for facilities must be clearly discernible. Reference to personnel, facilities, equipment, vessels, experimental and standards materials and other resources in the proposal is considered verification that all are available; evidence to the contrary may lead to return without review.
Q: Will the GoMRI pay for graduate student fringe benefits and tuition remission?
A: Yes, graduate student fringe benefits and tuition remission are allowable costs. Please include these costs within your budget template and justification.
Q: The budget section states, “Include a copy of the negotiated indirect cost rate agreement as supporting documentation.” Is this a requirement for all proposals or only those that request administrative support in the direct costs? If needed for all proposals, is a copy for all institutions receiving funds in the proposal required or just the lead institution?
A: For all proposals, please include a copy of the negotiated indirect cost rate agreement for the main budget and each subcontract over $25,000 per year.
Q: What if an organization does not have an indirect cost rate agreement?
A: If, for any reason, an organization does not have an indirect cost rate agreement, then the organization must submit the following with their cost proposal: 1) copy of actual indirect rate (and details on how the rate was derived) to be validated by financial statements and 2) if applicable, projected future rates and assumptions used in deriving those rates.
Q: Are indirect costs included in the costs total, and are indirect costs a part of the overall total allowed maximum?
A: Yes, indirect costs are included in the total budget and the overall allowed maximum budget.
Q: What costs are considered Participant/Trainee Support Costs?
A: Participant support costs are direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not grantees) in connection with meetings, conferences, symposia or training projects.
Q: For a participating institution with a subaward less than $25,000 per year, a separate budget is not required. Does a break down of costs need to be provided in the PI’s budget justification, or is it sufficient to just give the total cost and indicate the work that will be done by that institution?
A: For a participating institution with a subaward less than $25,000 per year, please include the total cost (<$25,000 per year) and describe the work to be performed within the PI (lead institution) budget justification.
Q: Should there be a separate budget justification for each year or just one justification written as a summary of the entire project?
A: Please provide one justification written as a summary of the entire budget.
Q: What constitutes an allowable budget cost?
A: An allowable budget cost must conform to an institution’s rules and regulations that have been federally agreed upon, as well as the provisions set out in the Master Research Agreement (MRA). According to the MRA, researchers are encouraged to obtain access to necessary equipment, if possible, through collaborations and partnerships. Please identify equipment costing more than $10,000 within the annual budget template and accompanying budget justification.
Q: Internationally-based investigators are welcome to apply as co-PIs. What are the limitations (e.g., in terms of funding) of a Europe-based co-PI compared to a US-based PI or co-PI?
A: As indicated in RFP-V, personnel from any of the institutions should be reimbursed appropriately for their time commitment to the research program based on the salary structures at their home institutions.
Q: Is there a budget limit for a co-PI from outside of the Gulf Coast states?
A: No, there are no budget restrictions for co-PIs at institutions outside of Gulf Coast states. Funding for each approved proposal is expected to be between $100,000 (minimum) and $1 million (maximum) per year per proposal.
Q: The RFP-V Annual Budget Template is in a new format, Microsoft Excel. How should I incorporate this into my proposal?
A: Please download the RFP-V Annual Budget Template spreadsheet and complete for the lead institution, each participating institution with a co-PI, and for any subcontracts with a sub-award exceeding $25,000 per year. To incorporate into your proposal, please print each budget to PDF and insert into the appropriate section of the proposal. Be sure to select ‘Print Entire Workbook’ when printing to PDF. Proposals, including all required documents, must be submitted in a single PDF. Adobe Acrobat will allow you to insert PDF documents into other PDF documents. Your university IT support units might be of assistance if you encounter difficulty.
Q: Are there any salary restrictions for federal collaborators?
A: Collaborators (including co-PIs) may be from government laboratories and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers. Personnel from any of the institutions should be reimbursed appropriately for their time commitment to the research program based on the salary structures at their home institutions.
Q: If there are multiple collaborators from the same institution, do I need to submit a summary budget justification for each collaborator or just for each institution?
A: Budget information is required on an institutional level. Submit a separate annual budget (see webpage for Annual Budget Template) and budget justification (2?page limit for each partner institution to describe their total requested budget) for each participating institution with a co?PI and for any subcontracts with a sub?award exceeding $25,000 per year.
Q: What does “Cognizant Federal Agency” mean in the budget template?
A: A Cognizant Federal Agency is the oversight audit agency for federal grants and contracts at an institution. Sponsored programs staff will be able to assist you in identifying the appropriate Cognizant Federal Agency for your institution.
Q: Is facility construction an allowable expense?
A: GoMRI funds shall not be used by any Research Project, research institution, or co?investigator for the acquisition or construction of physical infrastructure (including, but not limited to ships, autonomous underwater vehicles, or laboratories), except where specifically authorized by the Research Board pursuant to a grant or annual contribution under such grant. The PI should, whenever possible, obtain access to the infrastructure needed through collaborating research institutions; otherwise, clear justification must be provided for such an expenditure to allow the Research Board to review the request. The Research Board will reserve the right to fund only selected parts of any given research proposal and/or to require modifications to the proposed work, personnel, and budget of any proposal.
Q: Where do we list student tuition expenses in the Annual Budget Template?
A: Please follow your institutional policies on where to include tuition expenses in the budget template. Should your institution not have a policy regarding this, please use the budget category you feel is most appropriate and be consistent throughout your proposal.
Q: The Annual Budget Template has a pre-populated formula for inclusion of fringe benefits to funds requested. Do we have to use this formula?
A: No. If your institution does not calculate fringe as a percentage, please adjust the excel formula to incorporate fringe benefits as necessary. Please include health insurance in your calculation of the fringe benefit percentage.
Q: What kind of documentation is needed to show the negotiated indirect cost rate agreement for a foreign institution?
A: Please provide a statement as to the institutional- or government-approved indirect cost rate of the foreign institution. This document should be signed by the individual authorized to sign such documentation on behalf of the research institution.
Q: RFP-V states that allocated research funds may be used for “participation in designated annual GoMRI meetings”? Who is required to attend these meetings?
A: Your budget may include funds allocated for participation in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. The number of project team members funded to attend this conference through the grant is at the discretion of the PI, with the understanding that each conference includes concurrent sessions, PI-specific meetings, student opportunities, and a GoMRI all-hands meeting.
Q: Is there a particular ship or ROV that GoMRI recommends that should be part of the budget?
A: RFP-V investigators should plan to use the ship or ROV best suited to the proposed research. You need to negotiate with individual ship/ROV operators and provide the information and costs in your proposal and budget. PIs interested in coordinating ship time in conjunction with other GoMRI PIs should look for potential opportunities on the GoMRI Access to Sea opportunities forum (https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/forum/access-to-sea/), collaboration forum (https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/forum/), or GoMRI Research page (http://research.gulfresearchinitiative.org/).
Q: Does GoMRI cover direct and indirect cost for non-US collaborators?
A: Yes. Personnel from any of the institutions should be reimbursed appropriately for their time commitment to the research program based on the salary structures at their home institutions. Please provide a statement as to the institutional- or government-approved indirect cost rate of the foreign institution. This document should be signed by the individual authorized to sign such documentation on behalf of the research institution.
Q: Are there page limits for the Lead Institution’s budget justification?
A: There is no page limit specified for the budget justification of the Lead Institution. Partner and subaward institutions are limited to 2 pages for a budget justification.
Category: Eligibility
Q: How many RFP-V proposals can one person participate in?
A: An individual can be the PI of only one submitted proposal and only involved in up to three submitted proposals in any capacity (PI, co-PI, collaborator, etc.). Should an individual appear on four or more proposals, all proposals involving that individual will be disqualified. It is the responsibility of the submitters to confirm that each member of the entire team is within the eligibility guidelines. If an individual appears on multiple proposals, this should be clearly noted in the List of Participants and in Current and Pending Support; in each proposal, a clear description should be included to explain how the proposed work is complementary, not duplicative, of other proposed efforts and how the participant will budget his or her time.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of co-PIs for RFP-V? Do the co-PIs need to be from different institutions? How should personnel (other than co-PIs) be included?
A: Each proposal is limited to a PI and up to 3 co-PIs from up to three additional institutions. Any co-PIs may be from the same institution as the PI; there is no requirement for multi-institutional proposals. As research teams can be formed in many different ways, it is the responsibility of proposers to clearly define the roles of those who are not co-PIs. The research will include work by undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral research associates as appropriate. Collaborators, contractors, associates, technical support, etc., are permitted, but their relevance and involvement with the proposed work and impact on the budget should be clearly defined. The Narrative Description of the Approach should include the role(s) of key personnel within the research project, and the number of postdoctoral researchers and graduate students involved. The Budget Template includes fields to identify personnel roles.
Q: If I am an investigator funded by RFP-I, RFP-II or RFP-IV, can I apply to RFP-V?
A: RFP-II PIs and co-investigators may apply to RFP-V. RFP-I and RFP-IV co-PIs may apply to RFP-V, but RFP-IV Consortium Directors may not apply. Consortium Directors already have a significant commitment to GoMRI research and duties connected with the Consortium. For RFP-IV co-PIs, there will need to be a clear indication that the proposed research for RFP-V is distinct from RFP-IV funded efforts and that the co-PI does have the time to devote to the RFP-V effort given their RFP-IV funding and other efforts in which they are involved.
Q: Is there a limit on the number of proposals submitted by a lead institution?
A: There is no limit on the number of proposals per institution.
Q: Are for-profit entities eligible to apply for funding?
A: For-profit entities are not eligible to apply for funding. However, an investigator may have an existing relationship, or may find it advantageous to enter into a new relationship, with a private or for-profit entity. Thus, individuals at private or for-profit entities can contribute to proposals in the form of products, services, and expertise.
Q: If I am already a GoMRI-funded investigator, can I still propose to participate in three RFP-V projects?
A: Previous GoMRI funding does not reduce the number of RFP-V projects in which you may participate unless you are a Consortium Director funded through RFP-IV. Please review the following FAQ regarding RFP-V eligibility with previous GoMRI funding: “If I am an investigator funded by RFP-I, RFP-II or RFP-IV, can I apply to RFP-V?”
Q: May an investigator participate in more than three letters of intent? RFP-V states than an individual may not be listed on more than three proposals, but may an individual participate in more than three letters of intent?
A: Because the letters of intent (LOIs) are not reviewed and because the listed investigators may change from LOI to full proposal, an individual may appear in more than three LOIs. However, please note that should an individual appear on four or more full proposals, all proposals involving that individual will be disqualified. It is the responsibility of the submitters to confirm that each member of the entire team is within the eligibility guidelines.
Q: Can a collaborator that is not at the PI’s or co-PIs’ institutions be awarded a subcontract? If so, is there a limit on the funding per year that the collaborator can receive?
A: A subcontract to a collaborator not at the PI’s or co-PI’s institutions is allowed. Clearly specify the role of key personnel within the proposal. There is no limit on the funding that this person can receive, although a separate annual budget and budget justification is required for any subcontracts with a sub?award exceeding $25,000 per year.
Q: I am a government employee as well as adjunct faculty member at a university. Can I be the lead PI using my status as an adjunct faculty member?
A: Yes. You may apply for an RFP-V award through your university as an adjunct faculty member. Your university must be willing to administer the grant (if awarded) given your adjunct faculty status. RFP-V stipulates that the lead institution, which will receive the grant, must be a US academic or non?profit research institution.
Q: Can postdoctoral fellows serve as co-investigators on RFP-V proposals?
A: Postdoctoral fellows are eligible to serve on RFP-V proposals in whatever capacity the PI feels is appropriate.
Q: Am I eligible to receive a subcontract through an RFP-V proposal even if I do not have a guaranteed position for the duration of the grant?
A: Your involvement on an RFP-V proposal is at the discretion of the PI, with the understanding that 1) annual continuation of funding will be subject to acceptable progress as judged by the Research Board; and 2) changes to the scope of work or budget of a proposal post-award are subject to approval by the Research Board.
Category: GoMRI/Research Board
Q: What is the GoMRI Research Board?
A: The GoMRI Research Board has 20 members, 10 appointed by BP and 2 recommended by the Governor of each of the five Gulf Coast States and appointed by the Gulf of Mexico Alliance. The Research Board operates as an independent entity. Information on the membership of the Research Board can be found at https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/gri-research-board/board-roster/.
Q: What is the GoMRI Master Research Agreement?
A: On March 14, 2011, BP and the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (the Alliance or GoMA is a non-profit entity formed by the Governors of the five Gulf Coastal States) entered into the GoMRI Master Research Agreement (GoMRI MRA). The GoMRI MRA creates the structure for the GoMRI, the selection and distribution of grants from the GoMRI, as well as the funding, conduct, and oversight of research in furtherance of the purposes of the GoMRI. Any investigator or co-investigator and their research institution that receives funding, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, under the GoMRI is subject to and must comply with the terms and conditions of the GoMRI MRA. The MRA can be viewed here: https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/about-gomri/master-research-agreement/.
Category: Peer Review
Q: How will proposals be selected?
A: The review process will be conducted in a manner similar to that at NSF, in which panels of experts will evaluate the proposals and provide these evaluations and their recommendations to the GoMRI Research Board for final selection of funded proposals and decisions about allocation of funding.
Q: Will the LOI be considered as part of the peer review?
A: No proposal will be accepted without an LOI. The LOI will not be considered as part of the formal review. Only the full proposal, to be submitted by 13 March 2015 at 5:00 p.m. ET, will be reviewed for purposes of selection and award.
Q: RFP-V states that GoMRI research shall be led by PIs primarily in the Gulf Coast States, however, investigators from US institutions outside the Gulf Coast States are welcome to apply as PI or co-PI. Is a proposal led by a non-Gulf state organization evaluated differently than a proposal led by a Gulf-state organization?
A: No, all proposals will be reviewed according to the same Evaluation Criteria found in RFP-V under V. Evaluation Information.
Category: Personnel
Q: In the proposal budget/discussion, may a project administrative support or technician position be listed as an unnamed individual (e.g., TBD)?
A: Yes, a project administrative support or technician position may be listed as an unnamed individual (e.g., TBD) at the time of proposal submission.
Q: In RFP-V, under IV. Eligibility Information, it is stated that “If an individual appears on multiple proposals, this should be clearly noted.” Where should this be noted?
A: RFP-V states that an individual can be the PI of only one submitted proposal and only involved in up to three submitted proposals in any capacity (e.g, PI, co?PI, collaborator, etc.). If an individual appears on multiple proposals, this should be clearly noted in the list of partner institutions and associated project personnel (RFP-V Full Proposal Item 8b) and in Current and Pending Support. In each proposal, a clear description should be included to explain how the proposed work is complementary, not duplicative, of other proposed efforts and how the participant will budget his or her time. You may also address this issue under RFP-V Full Proposal Item 4b (Project Narrative, Key Personnel Roles).
Q: Does a collaborator from a different institution that is providing a service or analysis need to be a co-PI?
A: No, the PI may draw appropriate talent from partnering institutions and organizations, regardless of whether a PI or co-PI is at that institution. There may only be one PI and up to three co-PIs on a proposal submitted to RFP-V. All research staff conducting activities financed, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, through GoMRI are subject to and must comply with the terms of the GoMRI MRA. Further, there must be a separate budget and budget justification submitted for any institution with a sub-award exceeding $25,000.
Q: Who should be included on our personnel list (RFP-V, 8. Personnel, Item B)?
A: As stated in RFP-V, provide a complete list of partner institutions and associated project personnel (i.e., all partner institutions and associated project personnel should be included).
Q: Is it a requirement to have graduate students and/or postdoctoral researchers involved (and mentored)?
A: As stated in RFP-V under 2. Full Proposal, A. Required Sections of the Full Proposal, 8. Personnel, “The research that they [personnel] lead will be open in nature and will include work by undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral research associates as appropriate.” Students are an important part of GoMRI’s legacy.
Q: Does a lead PI need to be designated or can all lead investigators be designated as co-PIs?
A: Each proposal must have a lead PI. RFP?V seeks proposals from individual investigators or collaborative efforts involving a PI and up to three co?PIs.
Category: LOI
Q: What is the letter of intent (LOI) deadline?
A: The deadline to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) is 15 December 2015 at 5:00 p.m. ET. No proposal will be accepted without an LOI.
Q: How do I submit an LOI? What is the format?
A: LOIs must be submitted to the Research Board on or before 15 December 2015 at 5:00 p.m. ET to https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/request-for-proposals/rfp-v/rfp-v-submission-forms-templates/rfp-v-letter-intent-submission-form/ and must follow all of the instructions detailed in RFP-V.
Q: Will LOIs go through an evaluation/selection process?
A: LOIs will not be evaluated. LOIs provide essential information required by GoMRI to avoid conflicts of interest in the establishment of lists of potential reviewers and for determining the number of reviewers needed for the proposal evaluation process.
Q: The LOI submission page asks for an “Estimated Funding Request.” How close to this amount do we need to be for the proposal itself?
A: The LOI budget is an estimate that will be used to help understand the potential scale of the proposed work. It is understood that revisions to the estimate may occur during the proposal writing process.
Q: After LOI submission, can we change the title of the project or add/modify personnel and institutions?
A: Yes, personnel and institution (including Lead Institution) additions and modifications are allowed after the LOI submission, as well as changes to the proposal title and Research Theme. Please note that the purposes of the LOI are articulation of interest and preparation for the peer review process.
Q: Does the LOI need to be submitted through the institution’s sponsored program office?
A: Applicants should follow the policy of their institution regarding submission of the LOI.
Q: Are there page limits for the LOI?
A: No. There are no page limits for the LOI. Please note, the LOIs are not peer reviewed. LOIs provide essential information required by GoMRI to avoid conflicts of interest in the establishment of lists of potential reviewers and for determining the number of reviewers needed for the proposal evaluation process. You can view a PDF version of the LOI submission form here: https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/RFP-V-LOI-Application-Process-Screen-Shots-ver2.pdf.
Q: Is a project description required for the LOI submission?
A: Please review page 8 of the RFP for the required sections of the LOI. A project description is not required. You can view screen shots of the LOI form here: https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/wp-content/uploads/RFP-V-LOI-Application-Process-Screen-Shots-ver2.pdf
Q: How many LOIs were received in response to RFP-V?
A: GoMRI received 472 LOIs for RFP-V prior to the LOI deadline on December 15.
Q: Will a compiled list of LOIs for GoMRI RFP-V be made available?
A: LOIs will not be posted. RFP-V is focused on individual investigators or small groups of investigators. Investigators seeking collaboration are encouraged to post on the GoMRI Collaboration Forum: https://www.gulfresearchinitiative.org/forum/.
Category: Research Themes
Q: How many research themes should an RFP-V proposal address?
A: Each proposal is expected to develop and enunciate a clear plan to address only one of the GoMRI research themes. Multi-themed proposals will not be considered. The plan should clearly describe how the proposed research would serve to accomplish the long-term goals of the GoMRI. Thus, it is incumbent upon the proposers to demonstrate the relevance of the planned work or system to the proposed long-term goals of GoMRI and the MRA (https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/about-gomri/master-research-agreement).
Q: What information is publicly available on GoMRI-funded research? How can RFP-V applicants know that they can complement (rather than duplicate) funded research?
A: Information about the research that has already been funded by GoMRI can be found at the following URL: http://research.gulfresearchinitiative.org/.
Q: Would RFP-V proposals benefit from establishing close connection(s) to one or more funded GoMRI Consortia?
A: Proposals will be judged on the criteria outlined in RFP-V. Collaborations with a GoMRI Consortium should be made if it improves the research quality or capacity of the proposal, but there is no requirement or expectation of collaboration with existing Consortia.
Q: Is my specific research topic applicable to the goals of the GoMRI Research Themes?
A: GoMRI Research Board policy is to not prejudge proposal ideas so as to not displace the role of the peer review process or give competitive advantage to any applicant.
Q: Where can our consortium obtain oil (like the Macondo crude spilled during the Deepwater Horizon blowout) and Corexit?
A: You can learn more about how to request MC252 and surrogates here: https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/forum/environmental-samples/information-for-requesting-oil-samples-for-research/. Please note that Macondo crude supply is limited and not guaranteed. If your research does not specifically require Macondo crude, you are encouraged to use other surrogate sources as appropriate.
Q: The titles of RFP-IV awards suggest that the Research Board made a strategic move away from physics and chemistry, particularly large-scale variability, towards biology and ecology. Is this an accurate assessment?
A: No. Based on the scientific peer and Research Board reviews, RFP-IV consortia awards represent the best proposals. All five GoMRI Research Themes were covered.
Category: Proposal Submission (Instructions, Forms)
Q: Are we limited to a maximum of 5 relevant publications in our biosketches?
A: Yes. PI and co-PI biographical sketches (2?page limit per person) can only include a list of up to 5 relevant key publications.
Q: When is the proposal submission deadline?
A: The deadline to submit a proposal is 13 March 2015 at 5:00 p.m. ET.
Q: How do I submit a full proposal? What is the format?
A: The full proposal submission site is now open. Full proposals must be submitted to the Research Board on or before 13 March 2015 at 5:00 p.m. ET to https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/request-for-proposals/rfp-v/rfp-v-submission-forms-templates/rfp-v-full-proposal-submission-form/ and must follow all of the instructions detailed in RFP-V.
Q: Should the proposed project be included on the Current and Pending support form?
A: Yes. This follows NSF practice.
Q: When will the RFP-V proposal submission Web site be available?
A: The RFP-V full proposal submission site will be available beginning December 16, 2014.
Q: The RFP-V directions say that the cover page must be signed under “Proposal Authorization” by the research institution. Does this refer only to the lead institution or to all collaborating institutions?
A: Proposal Authorization should be completed by the lead research institution of the proposal.
Q: Are we able to save information entered before clicking the submit button, so that we can complete the proposal in steps?
A: Screen shots of all pages of the web form are available here: https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/request-for-proposals/rfp-v/rfp-v-submission-forms-templates/ The proposal upload and web submission must take place at one time. There is not the opportunity to save the form and complete it at a later time.
Q: Is there a required format for the 2-page biographical sketches?
A: No. As indicated in RFP-V, there is not a standard format or template for the biographical sketches of key personnel. Please include information as you deem appropriate, within the 2-page limit.
Q: Can you post a PDF version of RFP-V in which the URL links are active?
A: Updated PDF versions of RFP-V have been posted to the RFP-V sites.
Q: Where can I find instructions on proposal formatting?
A: Information on proposal formatting (font size, font type, etc.) can be found in RFP-V, under VI. Application and Submission Information, 2. Full Proposal, C. Proposal Formatting (Page 14).
Q: What is the earliest starting date that can be proposed?
A: The earliest start date for an RFP-V award will be January 1, 2016.
Q: What if our References Cited list exceeds 4 pages?
A: The References Cited section is limited to 4 pages. Full proposals containing items other than those described in the proposal instructions, missing required sections, exceeding the page limits, or that do not address the selected research theme will be returned without review.
Q: How do we show institutional authorization? The screenshots of the proposal submission site do not show a place for institutional authorization.
A: There is no place on the submission site to indicate institutional authorization. A signature for institutional authorization is located on the Cover Page Template, which becomes a part of the proposal PDF. The Cover Page Template can be downloaded here: https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/request-for-proposals/rfp-v/rfp-v-submission-forms-templates/.
Q: The online submission form and the Cover Page Template contain the same information. Do we input this information twice?
A: Yes. While much of the information will be the same, please provide the requested information both through the online submission site and on the Cover Page Template, which becomes a part of your proposal.
Q: What if the typefaces suggested do not meet the 6 lines per vertical space of 1.0 inch guideline?
A: Using one of the typefaces required in RFP-V under C. Proposal Formatting, 3. Proposal Margin and Spacing Requirements, will meet formatting requirements (regardless if the 6 lines per vertical space of 1.0 inch guideline is slightly exceeded). The guidelines specified in RFP-V establish the minimum type size requirements; however, applicants are advised that readability is of paramount importance and should take precedence in selection of an appropriate font for use in the proposal.
Q: Who should sign the Cover Page authorization section?
A: Those persons duly authorized to sign such documentation on behalf of the Lead Research Institution are required to sign the proposal authorization section of the cover page. This may, or may not, include the PI; your institution should be able to help you identify the appropriate individuals.
Q: Is it necessary to use the Collaborators Roles Template?
A: Applicants may choose to use the Collaborators Roles Template to “specify the role(s) of key personnel within the research project and the number of postdoctoral researchers and graduate students involved,” to fulfill the requirement in the Narrative Project Description of the Full Proposal. The completed template is considered in the 15-page limit.
Q: Are we required to use the Current and Pending Support template if our institution already has in place an identical form, both in terms of format and information displayed?
A: If the provided template is not used, the Current and Pending Support information must be presented in an identical format to that of the required template.
Q: Should subcontractor or co-PI forms be included in the page limitations and forms of the lead institution?
A: With the exception of the annual budget (using the Annual Budget Template) and budget justification (2-page limit) for co-PI institutions and subcontracts that exceed $25,000 per year, co-PI and subcontract work and personnel are to be included in the sections (as well as follow the page limitations) of the proposal submitted by the lead institution/PI.
Q: How should the pages of the full proposal PDF be numbered?
A: The pages of the full proposal should be numbered in consecutive order.
Q: Do the bulleted items under A. Required Sections of the Full Proposal need to also be subsection headings?
A: No. The bulleted items indicate specific content that must be covered in that particular section or subsection. Section headings are numbered (e.g., Narrative Project Description) and subsection headings are lettered (e.g., Approach).
Category: Proposal Content (Required Information)
Q: Do RFP-V proposals need to have an outreach component similar to that of RFP-IV?
A: Outreach and public education efforts, which are appropriate to proposed scientific work, can be included in the proposal, but are not required. RFP-V awardees will work with the GoMRI to promote and coordinate such efforts.
Q: Where do letters of collaboration from co-PIs and other collaborators get inserted?
A: The format of proposals responding to RFP-V does not allow for “letters of support/collaboration.” Proposals responding to RFP-V are required to set forth, in the body of the proposal, the arrangements or details of collaborations, as noted in RFP-V and the instructions for proposals. If the collaboration includes funding, the budget for collaboration and justification should be explained in the budget section of the proposal as appropriate. We recognize that as part of their own internal procedures, institutions may require letters of support or collaboration of their collaborators.
Q: What comprises a “linked proposal” (end of Section IV)? Would collaboration with an RFP-IV consortium constitute a “linked proposal”?
A: A “linked proposal” would be a proposal submitted to RFP-V which calls out another RFP-V proposal as a critical partner; collaboration with a currently-funded GoMRI project or consortium would not constitute a “linked proposal.” Regardless of proposed collaborations, each RFP-V proposal must stand alone. Proposals responding to RFP?V are required to set forth, in the body of the proposal, the arrangements or details of collaborations. If the collaboration includes funding, the budget for collaboration and justification should be explained in the budget section of the proposal as appropriate.
Q: In addition to the annual GoMRI meeting, are there other travel or operational conditions that geographically dispersed proponents have to meet?
A: To learn more about operating expenses supported by GoMRI, please visit: https://gulfresearchinitiative.org/about?gomri/faqs/. Specifically refer to “Q: On what will the $500M be spent?.” Other than this guidance and that put forth in RFP-V, it is expected that the PI will structure and budget the proposed work in a way that enables the best science.
Q: How do I know if I received Block Grant funding?
A: Please visit the GoMRI Research page (http://research.gulfresearchinitiative.org/) and search your name to determine whether you received GoMRI funds.
Category: FAQ Updates
Q: CORRECTION: Government entities are eligible to receive funding but not as the Lead Institution.
A: Under RFP-V, collaborating members or institutions may include (and fund) government laboratories and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers. Collaborators (including co-PIs) may be from government laboratories and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers.
Q: Who would be considered a part of “key personnel”? And, who do we need to submit biosketches for?
A: Key personnel are considered essential to the overall successful performance of the proposed work. How personnel are designated is at the discretion of the PI. PIs may choose to use the Collaborators Roles Template or choose to present the roles of key personnel (including associated student information) in another format, keeping in mind this information is a part of the 15-page project narrative limit. Biosketches are only required from the PI and co-PIs.