GoMRI Newsletter: Summer Issue 2013
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Above the Fold
– “The Human Side of Oil Spill Science”
– “Making Your Science Matter when the Stakes are High”
– “GoMRI gives Special Award at the 2013 Intel International Science & Engineering Fair”
– Frequently Asked Questions by Dr. Chuck Wilson
– Note from the Research Board Chair
– Education Spotlight
– 7 Questions Interview with Dr. Felicia Coleman
Community Happenings
Science Corner
Published Science Highlights from the GoMRI Program
Multi-tissue molecular, genomic, and developmental effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on resident Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis)
Benjamin Dubansky et al.
Environmental Science & Technology, April 2013
Interannual recruitment dynamics for resident and transient marsh species: Evidence for a lack of impact by the Macondo oil spill
Ryan M. Moody, Just Cebrian, Kenneth L. Heck, Jr.
PLOS One, March 2013
Dispersants as used in response to the MC252-spill lead to higher mobility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in oil-contaminated Gulf of Mexico sand
Alissa Zuijdgeest, Markus Huettel
PLOS One, November 2012
Assimilation of oil-derived elements by oysters due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Ruth H. Carmichael et al.
Environmental Science and Technology, November 2012
Marine snow formation in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Uta Passow et al.
Environmental Research Letters, September 2012
The weathering of oil after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Insights from the chemical composition of the oil from the sea surface, salt marshes, and sediments
Zhanfei Liu, Jiqing Liu, Qingzhi Zhu, and Wei Wu
Environmental Research Letters, September 2012
Homogeneous Nucleation of Methane Hydrate in Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Sapna Sarupria and Pablo G. Debenedetti
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, September 2012
Forecasting sudden changes in environmental pollution patterns
María J. Olascoaga and George Halle
PNAS, March 2012
To see all GoMRI publications, please visit the GoMRI Publication Database
Video Clip of the Quarter
Check out the video created by the Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment (CARTHE) on the 3rd Anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The 6 minute film does an excellent job of explaining the importance of scientific research after a catastrophic environmental event and highlights the work of CARTHE. It includes commentary from CARTHE PI Tamay Ozgokmen, RSMAS Dean and Professor Roni Avissar, GoMRI Senior Scientist Chuck Wilson, and Vice- Chair of the GoMRI Research Board, Margaret Leinen.
The Five GoMRI Research Themes
GoMRI research is founded on five research themes. In 2010, numerous discussions and three important meetings open to public participation were held to define the GoMRI intellectual themes.
- The first meeting was convened on May 19, 2010 in Washington, DC. The meeting included approximately 40 leaders from major ocean research institutions, with strong representation from Gulf Coast States.
- The second meeting was held on June 3, 2010 at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA. This meeting included about 200 researchers and was convened to address both short-term response actions and long-term monitoring and understanding of environmental impacts.
- The third meeting was held June 22-23, 2010 at New Orleans, LA. Over 300 participants attended. The meeting addressed public health impacts and responses to them in the short- and long-term, including monitoring and surveillance of potentially affected populations.
The research is currently being carried out by eight research consortia and 19 individual/small group investigators. For more detailed descriptions of the five themes and their development, please see the GoMRI website.