RFP-II: Peer Review
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) will select awards for funding by merit review based on peer evaluation, modeled after the National Science Foundation’s Peer Evaluation Process . Letters of Intent will not be evaluated, but provide essential information for establishing peer review panels. An administrative review of the full proposal will take place to ensure that each proposal follows the proposal submission instructions, formatting guidelines, and includes all required sections. A panel of experts will evaluate the full proposals according to the review criteria listed in RFP-II:
Scientific Merit (60%)
- Scope, quality, and potential for fundamentally significant results of the proposed research
- A demonstrated record of scientific achievement in the relevant science
- Research will address the goals of improving the environmental robustness of the Gulf of Mexico and/or the related issues of public health
- Value of the anticipated research outcomes for contributing to the major research themes of the GoMRI from a cost‐effectiveness perspective
Capability and Experience (40%)
- Expertise of PI and co‐PIs in the relevant research domains
- Track record of the PI and co‐PIs in the delivery of focused research
- Realistic research timeline and availability of appropriate facilities for the duration of the project