RFP-V – Closed
Update (11/13/15): The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Research Board has selected a total of 22 research proposals to be funded under this most recent request for proposals. Nearly $38 million has been awarded to individuals and teams studying the effects of oil on the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem and public health. To learn more, click HERE.
Update (3/24/2015): The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative received 288 full proposals for RFP-V prior to the deadline on March 13, 2015. Peer review will begin in April.
Update (12/16/2014): The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative received 472 Letters of Intent (LOI) for RFP-V prior to the LOI deadline on December 15, 2014. The deadline to submit questions on RFP-V is Friday, February 27 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time. The deadline for submitting full proposals is Friday, March 13, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) is pleased to release the GoMRI Request for Proposals for Individual Investigators or Small Collaborative Teams for 2016-2018. The purpose of the RFP is to select the research activities for GoMRI Years 6–8 (1 January 2016 – 31 December 2018) involving individual investigators or collaborative efforts comprising a principal investigator and up to three co-principal investigators. The total funds available for distribution through the 2016-2018 GoMRI Individual Investigators RFP will be approximately $9 million per year.
The major research themes to be addressed in RFP-V are:
- Physical distribution, dispersion, and dilution of petroleum (oil and gas), its constituents, and associated contaminants (e.g., dispersants) under the action of physical oceanographic processes, air–sea interactions, and tropical storms.
- Chemical evolution and biological degradation of the petroleum/dispersant systems and subsequent interaction with coastal, open-ocean, and deep-water ecosystems.
- Environmental effects of the petroleum/dispersant system on the sea floor, water column, coastal waters, beach sediments, wetlands, marshes, and organisms; and the science of ecosystem recovery.
- Technology developments for improved response, mitigation, detection, characterization, and remediation associated with oil spills and gas releases.
- Impact of oil spills on public health including behavioral, socioeconomic, environmental risk assessment, community capacity and other population health considerations and issues.
Proposals may address one theme only.
View the full RFP-V here.
This annotated version of the Master Research Agreement (MRA) is to be used as a reference by RFP-V applicants.
- February 23, 2014 – Save the date announcement
- November 13, 2014 – RFP-V release
- December 15, 2014 – Letter of Intent deadline
- March 13, 2015 – Full proposal deadline
- November 13, 2015 – Award announcement
- January 1, 2016 – Award start date
The awards will be chosen through a competitive peer review of the proposals submitted in response to this RFP. The peer-review process and selection of funded proposals will be carried out under the direction of the GoMRI Research Board.
The previous GoMRI success rate for this types of solicitation was <5% of the total proposals submitted. To learn more about past and currently funded GoMRI research, please review: http://research.gulfresearchinitiative.org/.
Please share this announcement with your interested colleagues.