Summer 2019 – Education Spotlight
– SEPTEMBER 18, 2019
(From Summer 2019 Newsletter)
The Consortium for Simulation of Oil-Microbial Interactions in the Ocean (CSOMIO) hosted a summer outreach program in partnership with the Florida State University (FSU) Center for Ocean- Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) in July, where students learned about ocean and atmospheric sciences. The program was led by Lucia Gil Morales, an undergraduate marine ecology student in the FSU Department of Biological Sciences and a member of the COAPS outreach team. Visit the CSOMIO Facebook page here for photos from the events, and visit the COAPS website here for more information about their education and outreach initiatives.
The Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs from the Geosphere (ECOGIG) consortium hosted their fourth Ocean Discovery Camp in June in partnership with the University of Georgia’s Summer Academy. Students, ages 11 to 14, participated in the camp and learned about the deep ocean, ocean ecosystems, plastic pollution, climate change, and the impacts of oil spills. They also designed and built their own Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and created public service announcement videos based on the topics they learned about during the camp. Visit the ECOGIG Facebook page here for photos from the camp, and visit the ECOGIG website here for more information.