Winter 2019 – Education Spotlight
– APRIL 5, 2019
(From Winter 2019 Newsletter)
The Consortium for Resilient Gulf Communities (CRGC), one of the consortia funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, aims to “assess and address the social, economic, and public health impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.” One of CRGC’s broader goals is to prepare graduate students to be the next leaders in community resilience. Graduate students with CRGC are trained utilizing adaptive systems and transdisciplinary approaches. Over 40 students have worked with CRGC, from Louisiana State University, Pardee RAND Graduate School, Tulane University, and the University of South Alabama. Recently, CRGC published a two-page flier summarizing the goals of their student education initiatives and highlighting some of the recent efforts by CRGC graduate students. Be sure to check out the flier on the CRGC website here. For more information on CRGC, including additional two-page fliers on their program and their adaptive systems approach, please visit the CRGC Resources page here.
The Experiential Education and Learning (ExEL) Program at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) provides undergraduate students opportunities to explore careers and activities outside of the classroom to help them reach their academic and professional goals. Through ExEL, students can participate in faculty-mentored research, experiential coursework beyond the classroom, internships, community engagement and volunteering, and study abroad. The program includes an Early Immersion Program through which students can learn about professions by participating in hands-on activities and experiences and interacting with professionals in their career of interest. In October 2018, Dr. Abigail Renegar and her lab participated in the Early Immersion Program, hosting undergraduate biology students and talking to them about her GoMRI- funded RFP-VI project Coral-Tox: A Species-Sensitivity Assessment of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Toxicity to Scleractinian Corals. More information about NSU’s ExEL and Early Immersion Programs can be found here.