Research Footprint Growing in the Gulf of Mexico
Scientists funded through the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) have been surveying the Gulf and its marine environment since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill over three years ago.
Scientists funded through the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) have been surveying the Gulf and its marine environment since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill over three years ago.
The Smithsonian Ocean Portal posted a story on the GoMRI-funded CARTHE project, a multi-year research effort to study how the ocean moves.
The four Sea Grant College Programs of the Gulf of Mexico are pleased to release this announcement for four non-tenured track, 12-month, two-year limited term, grant funded positions related to a new oil spill science outreach program.
This field expedition is part of a new education initiative called the Gulf Oil Observers (GOO), which trains volunteers to be effective citizen scientists. GOO mentors are educators and scientists associated with the Deep-C Consortium research project
As part of ongoing research nearly four years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, scientists from WHOI will team up with a group of high school students in Florida to collect remnants of oil from Gulf Coast beaches this week.
This documentary project provides an opportunity to share critical GoMRI research findings on effects of the oil spill, the worst in US history, while being sensitive to the loss of human lives in the accident.
It was a tall order, but high school students rose to the challenge: they integrated physics, engineering, and scientific curiosity and created functional data-gathering drifters.
University of Rhode Island professor Arijit Bose and associate professor Geoff Bothun, both chemical engineers, are working on collaborative research projects on potential new oil dispersants
GoMRI congratulates Jessica Henkel, of Tulane University, winner of this year’s James D. Watkins Award for Excellence in Research for outstanding presentation at the 2014 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference!
Talk about compounding interest! Put together scientists and teachers who are passionate about their work with students who are eager to help with ongoing research and watch as excitement fuels student engagement, sparks career interest, and feeds enthusiasm of all.