Connecticut College to Study BP Gulf Spill
– August 31, 2011
Researchers at Connecticut College in New London will study the impact last year’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill on coastal ecosystems, as part of a $112.5 million research consortia formed to study the BP oil spill.
(From Hartsford — The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative is split into eight research teams investigating the fates of various environments following the Deepwater Horizon explosion and subsequent oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico. The consortia, formed Tuesday, will be funded for three years.
Connecticut College will collaborate with lead institution Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium to study the impacts on coastal ecosystems. Other institutions on the team include Brigham Young University in Utah, Florida Gulf Coast University and the University of Maryland.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative is an independent body created by BP to administer its 10-year, $500-million commitment to independent research on the Deepwater Horizon spill.
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