Opportunity: Ph.D. Student Position, UT
– January 6, 2012
A position for a Ph.D. student is available in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee in Knoxville, beginning Fall 2012. Potential students should have an interest microbial geochemistry, and be willing to focus their dissertation research on the biogeochemical impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on coastal marsh ecosystems. Main duties will include conducting field and laboratory research that combines aqueous, organic, and stable isotope geochemistry with environmental microbiology and metagenomics techniques. The student will be part of an active interdisciplinary research group, and laboratory training in microbiology, chemistry, or sedimentology is required. Preference will be given to applicants who (1) have completed a Masters degree, (2) have excellent oral and written English language communication skills, (3) have demonstrated research productivity and possess skills in geochemistry or bioinformatics, and (4) are willing to travel regularly for field work. To inquire, please submit a CV and a letter that includes details of coursework and GRE/TOEFL scores, and research interests and experience to Dr. Annette Summers Engel (aengel1@utk.edu) with “PhD position” in the subject line.