Latest Edition of GoMRI Newsletter Now Available
– June 10, 2014
Check out the latest edition of the GoMRI newsletter, available now from GoMRI’s website!
In this issue you can learn about:
- the successful 2014 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference that took place in Mobile, AL;
- a new partnership between GoMRI and four Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant college programs;
- how numerical modeling is being used in various ways by numerous GoMRI researchers;
- how Dr. Demetri Spyropoulos and PhD candidate Lexi Temkin are using stem cells to better understand how crude oil and dispersants may impact obesity and a variety of other human health disorders; and
- other updates from the GoMRI research community!
» Access the full newsletter in PDF format here.
If you wish to receive future editions of the newsletter by email, you can sign up for the email distribution list here.
All past and present editions of the GoMRI newsletters are located here.
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