Opportunity: Application Open for Training in Open Science and Synthesis through the Gulf Research Program
– FEBRUARY 6, 2017
Members from NCEAS, DataONE and Data Carpentry are teaming together to provide an NCEAS led, 3-week open science training event. This training event will be hosted by the National Center for Ecological Analysis (NCEAS), Santa Barbara CA, July 10th – 28th. Early career and established researchers from the Gulf research community are encouraged to apply.
The Open Science for Synthesis: Gulf Research Program is a hands-on data science course focussing on techniques for data management, scientific programming, synthetic analysis, and collaboration through the use of open-source, community-supported tools. These skills are critical for understanding the complex environmental, human, and energy systems in the Gulf of Mexico, especially following large disturbance events like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010. Participants will learn skills for rapid and robust use of open source scientific software and these approaches will be applied to scientific synthesis projects related to the Gulf of Mexico’s ecosystems, increasing community capability and efficiency in synthesis research.
Travel support and accommodation is provided. The funding for this project is provided by a grant from the Gulf Research Program, dedicated to improving understanding of the Gulf of Mexico’s human, environmental, and energy systems in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.