Call for Abstracts: State of the Coast Conference
– January 30, 2012
Deadline for Abstract Submittal – February 10, 2012
The mission of the State of the Coast (SOC) conference is to provide a forum to learn from recent advances in science and engineering as they relate to coastal Louisiana, to ensure that relevant and current knowledge is applied to existing and future coastal restoration and protection efforts, and to use that information to effectively inform management, policy and decision making. The SOC will focus on the challenge of a dynamic working coast. Louisiana’s coastal landscape is rapidly changing, from continued deterioration of the coastal wetlands, to injuries from storms and other events, to changes in ecosystem service capacity, politics, and economics. This conference will focus on the challenges facing Louisiana as we acknowledge a dynamic environment, an uncertain future, and a continue efforts toward a sustainable landscape. All individuals interested in Louisiana’s costal restoration and protetion activities are invited to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation.
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