GoMRI Attends 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans
– MARCH 31, 2016
(From Spring 2016 Newsletter) Members of the GoMRI scientific community and management team attended Ocean Sciences from February 21-26, 2016 in New Orleans, LA. The management team hosted a booth in the exhibit hall, which provided the opportunity for GoMRI scientists who were attending the conference to stop by and say hello and also enabled visitors who have not heard of the program an opportunity to learn about GoMRI and ask questions.
Many GoMRI scientists attended the conference and presented their research in both oral and poster presentations. Dr. Mandy Joye, lead PI of the ECOGIG consortium, and Dr. Natalia Sidorovskaia, lead PI of the LADC- GEMM consortium, each chaired sessions. Several GoMRI-funded scientists gave presentations, including Brian Dzwonkowski, Brian Roberts, Maelle Cornic, Tracey Sutton, Kara Gadeken, Stephen O’Brien, Hongjie Wang, Xinping Hu, and many others. CWC investigators Ed Overton, Linda Hooper-Bui, and Paola Lopez-Duarte participated in a press conference hosted by Louisiana State University called “Marshes in Coastal Louisiana: Five Years after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.” Chuck Wilson, GoMRI’s Chief Scientific Officer, participated in a panel during Tuesday’s plenary session along with LaDon Swann from Auburn University Marine Programs and the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium and Nancy Knowlton from Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History where they discussed “Interfaces: Sharing Science with Concerned Communities.”