GoMRI Attends the 2018 Clean Gulf Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana
– JANUARY 8, 2019
(From Fall 2018 Newsletter) Members of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) management team, the Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant Oil Spill Science Outreach team, and the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) attended the 2018 Clean Gulf Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana from November 13-15, 2018. GoMRI, Sea Grant, and GRIIDC partnered on a booth in the Exhibit Hall, which was open to conference attendees on November 14 and November 15.
The goal of the annual Clean Gulf Conference is to bring together members of industry and the government to improve “prevention, preparedness, and response of oil and hazardous materials spills in inland, offshore, and marine environments.” The sessions focus on sharing lessons learned and best practices, and exhibitors share their products and services related to oil spill response and prevention. Approximately 2,000 attendees participate in the Clean Gulf Conference each year. This year’s schedule of events, including links to the individual sessions, is available here.
At the booth, GoMRI, Sea Grant, and GRIIDC team members spoke with visitors about the program and shared promotional materials, including the Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant Oil Spill Science Outreach Program publications; GRIIDC pens, fliers, notepads, and screen cleaners; and GoMRI notebooks and stickers. The booth saw many visitors who were interested in learning more about the outcomes of the GoMRI research investment, especially the data from GoMRI through GRIIDC and the publications produced by the Gulf of Mexico Sea Grant Oil Spill Science Outreach team. Visitors were also interested to learn more about GoMRI’s Synthesis and Legacy activities and the outcomes of those efforts, as well as the upcoming 2019 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science conference in February in New Orleans, Louisiana. More information on the Clean Gulf Conference is available here, and information on Clean Gulf’s other upcoming regional meetings, including dates and locations for the 2019 Clean Waterways Conference and the 2019 Clean Pacific Conference, is available here and here.