LSU scientists to present new research on Deepwater Horizon oil spill in New Orleans
– FEBRUARY 5, 2017
(from WMC Action News 5 \ Rachael Thomas \ Feb. 5, 2017)
Scientists from LSU are set to present new research at the 2017 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference in New Orleans.
These scientists will be among hundreds of oil spill-related researchers from academia, state, and federal agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations and industry members, who will share the latest oil spill and ecosystem discoveries, innovations, technologies, and policies. The conference will take place in New Orleans February 6 – 9.
LSU faculty will lead a key session, where information on how the Deepwater Horizon oil spill has affected coastal ecosystems will be shared. Multi-year Signatures of the DWH Oil Spill in Coastal Systems will be presented on Wednesday, February 8, and will be led by LSU Boyd Professor R. Eugene Turner and Shell Oil Endowed Chair Nancy Rabalais in the Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences at LSU, along with LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources Associate Professor Sabrina Taylor.
The Deepwater Horizon spill affected various ecological communities differently over time. The scientists involved will present their findings in two parts. Part one features research on marsh erosion, stability, microbes, and vegetation. Part two features information on how specific ecological communities and organisms living on land and in shallow water have responded, as well as the implications for the larger picture, as depicted in food web studies. All of these findings affect how society prepares to avoid, minimize, and mitigate effects on the coast.
The four day conference will consist of 23 scientific sessions with nearly 350 oral presentations and 260 poster presentations. A searchable database of the presentations and the full conference schedule is available here.
Read the full article here
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