Opportunity: Science and Technology Education, OSRI
– January 27, 2015
The Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) in Cordova, Alaska has supported programs to educate students on topics within our mission.
This includes development of hands-on educational kits that can be shared. We desire to continue development of materials that make oil spill response options more understandable to K-12 students.
Program objectives
The objective is to provide students throughout Alaska with hands-on lessons and associated materials necessary to become more experienced with technologies related to spill response. Activities incorporated with the components must align with Alaska state teaching standards.
To achieve the objective, OSRI seeks one-year proposals up to $20,000 to develop kits with necessary supplies and lesson plans to implement hands-on activities associated with oil spill response technologies. The desire is that the activities will allow students to understand the capabilities and limitations of various techniques for oil removal. The proposal must include a description of the grade levels the lessons are designed for and how the kits would be made available to students throughout Alaska.
Proposals must link the activities to OSRI’s mission and goals. A description of OSRI and our mission and goals is at http://www.pws-osri.org/. Grant application materials can be found at http://www.pws-osri.org/grants/grant-applications/. The deadline for submitting applications is March 6, 2015. Funding is anticipated to begin on July 1, 2015. Applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Scott Pegau, OSRI Research Program Manager (wspegau@pwssc.org), if you have questions regarding this opportunity.
Oil Spill Recovery Institute
P.O. Box 705
Cordova, AK 99574
907-424-5800 x222