Smithsonian Releases Animated Video on Three Discoveries from Oil Spill Studies

Smithsonian Releases Animated Video on Three Discoveries from Oil Spill Studies – JUNE 16, 2021 The Smithsonian’s Ocean Portal published an animated video that explores a few of the discoveries that came from several projects funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. After taking viewers back to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the animation…

A satellite image of the Gulf of Mexico showing the oil slick on the surface of the water. Image: NASA

Smithsonian Presents Interactive Story Map to Learn Where Deepwater Horizon Oil Went

The Smithsonian’s Ocean Portal published an interactive tool featuring maps and graphics showing where Deepwater Horizon oil traveled. The story map also includes locations for where responders applied chemical dispersants on the Gulf’s surface and other sources where oil enters the Gulf, such as offshore oil and gas platforms and natural seeps.

A Cuviers’ beaked whale. According to Dr. Hildebrand, the white scars are from cookiecutter sharks (Isistius brasiliensis) who take bites out of these animals. (Photo courtesy of Ocean Treasures Memorial Library)

Smithsonian Highlights Research about Acoustic Monitoring of Beaked Whales

The Smithsonian recently published an article about how researchers are using sound or echolocation to learn more about the elusive beaked whale. Some of these whales live and forage in the vicinity where the Deepwater Horizon incident happened, and researchers are monitoring their numbers and location to learn how the oil spill may have affected their populations.