UNOLS Invites GoMRI Applicants to Use Fleet
– June 7, 2011
The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) invites applicants to consider the use of the UNOLS fleet when developing Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) research proposals.
As part of the national response to the Deepwater Horizon crisis, six UNOLS vessels participated in studies of the oil spill, which were supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Naval Research (ONR), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and BP among others. The UNOLS office, ship operators, and NSF were able to organize and plan scientific cruises on a relatively short time interval so that scientists could carry out their research in a timely and efficient manner. Over the last four decades, UNOLS has utilized research ships owned by NSF, ONR, and state or privately owned vessels to successfully carry out a wide range of scientific missions for U.S. academic scientists. In addition to offering a number of vessels with broad capabilities, these vessels are staffed by experienced crew with a long record of safe and successful scientific operations. In addition, the UNOLS fleet is a national facility that has a wide array of state-of-the-art equipment available to scientific users, as well as the technical support for this equipment pool.
For applicants considering the use of research vessels, underwater vehicles, or aircraft for Gulf of Mexico research, the UNOLS office and individual ship operators are available to discuss logistics and cruise planning utilizing UNOLS assets. The UNOLS fleet is a national facility built by the federal agencies and academic institutions to provide the necessary infrastructure to carry out oceanographic research and to address scientific questions of national importance. The UNOLS fleet was able to participate in the scientific operations in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon spill last year and stands ready to participate in the next generation of scientific studies of the Gulf of Mexico. To learn more about UNOLS, click here.
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