Watkins Award for Excellence in Research for Outstanding Posters
– March 13, 2014
GoMRI congratulates Karen Malone, of the Hamburg University of Technology, and Nicholas Geitner, of Clemson University, winners of this year’s James D. Watkins Award for Excellence in Research for outstanding posters at the 2014 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference!
The James D. Watkins Student Award for Excellence in Research strives to recognize outstanding research in order to cultivate the next generation of ocean scientists and encourage excitement for presenting their work. The posters of both students embodied the Watkins Award evaluation criteria (scientific merit, research capability, and design & style). Karen’s poster is entitled A new experimental module for the investigation of deep-sea oil spills under in-situ conditions and Nicholas’s poster is entitled Effects of dendrimer oil dispersants on Dictyostelium discoideum. Due to an unforeseen ice storm and subsequent cancellation of one poster session during the conference, all student posters were reviewed post-conference through e-posters. Congrats Nicholas and Karen!
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