Winter 2018 – Education Spotlight
– MARCH 29, 2018
(From Winter 2018 Newsletter)
The Deep Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND) consortium recently published a timeline featuring images of the incredible biodiversity they encountered during their five research cruises in the Gulf of Mexico from May 2015 to May 2017. It lists the date the species was encountered with an image of the animal. Dante Fenolio from DEEPEND captured the spectacular images and created the timeline to serve as a visual representation of the amazing diversity that exists in the deep Gulf of Mexico.
DEEPEND also recently released their sixth teaching and learning module, Nature of Science. The goal of the module is to help teachers integrate the scientific method into their curriculum, using DEEPEND research as examples. The module is designed for students in grades 6-12 and is available here. Be sure to check out all of DEEPEND’s lessons plans and teacher resources here.
GoMRI researchers and outreach coordinators from the Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment (CARTHE), the Relationships of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish for Validation of Ecological Risk (RECOVER) consortium, and RFP-V researcher Dr. Villy Kourafalou’s Coastal Modeling group collaborated on a booth at the 2018 ArtSea Festival on March 3 in Miami, Florida. The goal of the ArtSea Festival is to bring the community together to learn about and celebrate the ocean by sharing and creating ocean conservation-themed art. The shared booth, called “Go with the Flow,” focused on ocean currents, why scientists study them, how drifters work, and the impacts of oil on marine organisms. Visitors to the booth viewed larval mahi mahi under the microscope and painted wooden drifter plates. For more information on the festival and GoMRI’s participation, please visit RECOVER’s website here and CARTHE’s Facebook page here.