GoMRI Mourns the Passing of Dr. George Ioup
It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Dr. George Elias Ioup passed away on Wednesday, January 20 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Dr. George Elias Ioup passed away on Wednesday, January 20 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Scientists representing eight institutions conducted in-situ observations and laboratory experiments to determine if Hurricane Isaac redistributed sedimented oil near the Deepwater Horizon site.
Authorities closed large portions of the Gulf of Mexico to commercial and recreational fishing following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill to contain and mitigate oil contamination of fish and seafood products. The fishing closures may have caused many fishers to search for alternative income solutions, such as relocating or chartering their vessels for the cleanup process.
Results can help provide warning of red tide conditions in Florida’s coastal regions. A new study found that a major ocean current in the Gulf of Mexico plays an important role in sustaining Florida red tide blooms.
Scientists compared phytoplankton time-series data collected in Louisiana coastal waters after the Deepwater Horizon spill. They found that phytoplankton abundance was significantly lower in 2010 and that the community’s species composition significantly shifted immediately after the spill.
ACER investigates biodiversity’s role in oil spill recovery – Disturbances to coastal environments, such as storms and pollution, cause great concern as these areas are typically heavily populated, are home to important industries, and provide critical ecosystem services. Ecologists have debated coastal ecosystems response to disturbances for decades.
Genomics is a powerful method to track things that humans cannot see. Months and years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, many people wondered where the oil went or where it might be lingering or what it may affect after it was no longer visible. Scientists are using genomic techniques such as DNA sequencing to help answer some of these questions.
Scientists have been studying the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico for years, but research by University of Central Florida professors – and a $1.5 million grant that funds their work – could shed new light on undetected pollution lurking beneath the seafloor.
The Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is seeking a qualified and highly motivated individual for a Postdoctoral Research Scientist position to lead independent research in the laboratory of Dr. Christoph Aeppli.
Early-Career Research Fellowships will recognize professionals at the critical pretenure phase of their careers for exceptional leadership, past performance, and potential for future contributions to improving oil system safety, human health and well being, or environmental protection.