A Match Made in Florida: Citizens and Scientists Team Up for Research and Education
What do CARTHE, the International SeaKeepers Society, and Fleet Miami have in common? Ocean research!
What do CARTHE, the International SeaKeepers Society, and Fleet Miami have in common? Ocean research!
Members of the GoMRI Research Board describe the behind-the-scenes story of how they came into existence and the unprecedented coordinated science effort that is successfully unfolding.
Deep below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico live vast canyons of coral. Recent news reports suggest that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill may have impacted the health of these corals.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) community welcomes aboard the recently-funded twelve research consortia awarded over $140 million in grants.
No one can change history, but we can learn from it. That’s what CWC scientists are doing as they study the heavily-oiled Louisiana coastal marshes affected by the Deepwater Horizon spill.
Alabama scientists investigated oil spill effects on floating Sargassum, a critical seaweed habitat for many important Gulf species.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) community congratulates one of its own, Dr. Samantha “Mandy” Joye, on her selection as an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow.
The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative received 472 Letters of Intent (LOI) for RFP-V prior to the LOI deadline on December 15.
Louisiana State University scientists simulated Deepwater Horizon oiling scenarios with a dominant Mississippi River Delta marsh reed and analyzed its reaction to oil exposure.
Scientists widened their study scope of deep-sea coral communities after finding oil-impacted coral near the Deepwater Horizon site.