Texas Students Put Oil Spill Cleanup Methods to the Test
A group of twenty-six middle school students conducted experiments to compare these methods as part of a week-long University of Texas Summer Science Field Program.
A group of twenty-six middle school students conducted experiments to compare these methods as part of a week-long University of Texas Summer Science Field Program.
Scientists with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute are quantifying wave effects for use in ocean models that predict the direction of surface water movement.
Meeting organizers invited Dr. Tamay Ozgokmen with the University of Miami to present results on ocean processes from his team’s Grand Lagrangian Deployment (GLAD) experiment
ECOGIG researchers working aboard the Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus and Research Vessel (R/V) Endeavor explain how the scientific crews of the two ships work together to conduct this complementary research.
Ten high school teachers from Alabama and Florida are returning to their 2013-2014 science classes armed with new skills, materials, and inspiration.
Scientists used a novel fingerprinting technique to identify the source of oil sheens that appeared in late 2012 near the site of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Conover loves planning educational activities that get local families outside in the marshes and waterways to learn about the delicate ecosystem that surrounds them.
“This is an opportunity to put science into immediate practice.” – Tamay Ozgokmen, University of Miami and director of CARTHE
Scientists are trying to develop more stable, safer dispersants.
The GoMRI science community congratulates one of our own, Dr. Margaret Leinen