Deep Sea Domination
Random items scatter the outdoor swimming pool at Santa Rosa Christian School, including a garbage can, hula hoop, rings and fish pictures.
Random items scatter the outdoor swimming pool at Santa Rosa Christian School, including a garbage can, hula hoop, rings and fish pictures.
The Roberts Lab of Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) is seeking a graduate research assistant at the Master of Science level to examine the influence of river diversions on carbon and nitrogen cycling in Louisiana freshwater, brackish, and salt marshes.
Scientists studying the weathering processes that altered the oil released during the Deepwater Horizon spill recently published their findings in the September 2012 Issue of Environmental Research Letters
Separate groups of scientists studying the Deepwater Horizon oil spill impacts on oysters along the Gulf coast recently published their findings in two journals.
Seeking two highly motivated students for a PhD graduate assistantship at the University of Connecticut (Department of Natural Resources and the Environment) and the University of Southern Mississippi (Department of Coastal Sciences at the Gulf Coast Research Lab).
Jocelyn Lockwood talks to Dr. Colwell about the latest scientific results concerning all aspects of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem following the BP oil spill.
CARTHE Drifters Provide Unprecedented Amounts of Data for Gulf of Mexico Science – February 5, 2013 (From Winter 2013 Newsletter) With a Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) award, the Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment (CARTHE), led by Dr. Tamay Özgökmen at the University of Miami (UM), is conducting…
Winter 2013 – Note from the Research Board Chair – February 5, 2013 (From Winter 2013 Newsletter) Dr. Rita Colwell, University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University Welcome to the inaugural newsletter of the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI). This quarterly e-newsletter provides readers with updates from the GoMRI-funded scientific teams and their research…
Winter 2013 – Education Corner – February 5, 2013 (From Winter 2013 Newsletter) by Sherryl Gilbert, C-IMAGE The Center for Integrated Modeling & Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems (C-IMAGE) is a comprehensive research consortium of 13 national and international universities tasked with evaluating the environmental impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWH) on coastal ecosystems, the water column,…
Winter 2013 – Seven Questions with Dr. Steve Murawski – February 5, 2013 University of South Florida (From Winter 2013 Newsletter) 1. Can you tell me a bit about C-IMAGE? What are the goals and what knowledge gaps will the program fill? C-IMAGE, or the Center for Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems, is a…