Study Evaluates Ocean Current Prediction Models
Scientists with the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) at Stennis Space Center in Mississippi compared the accuracy and reliability of real-time ocean modeling forecast systems for near-surface currents.
Scientists with the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) at Stennis Space Center in Mississippi compared the accuracy and reliability of real-time ocean modeling forecast systems for near-surface currents.
Alexandra Harper, a passionate environmental advocate, is using her oceanography expertise to help “society better balance human need with ecological health.”
A rare opportunity for the public to watch scientists do research in real time is happening right now at, with live video being streamed from the Exploration Vessel Nautilus.
Science outreach efforts often take time, even seasons, to bear fruit. But with patience and planning, a multi-year mentoring effort with scientists from Tulane University and Louisiana State University (LSU) has sparked a cycle of learning and development.
Researchers from the University of Texas Marine Science Institute, including students from California and China, assessed impacts of crude oil, dispersant, and natural phenomena on zooplankton from the Gulf of Mexico.
Kait Frasier listens to Gulf marine mammals to estimate how many there are and find out if their numbers are changing after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Kait sees dolphins as a good species to study because “everyone can see and understand them, not just scientists.”
The Smithsonian Ocean Portal posted a guest blog by Patrick Schwing about GoMRI-funded research. Schwing is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of South Florida, College of Marine Science, and member of the C-IMAGE and Deep-C consortia.
Susan Snyder’s experiences researching fish bile have shown her an overwhelming truth: to solve complex problems, one simply cannot work alone.
Scientists from the University of West Florida found that Coquina clams could be used to detect biologically available oil in Florida surf zones.
During the Los Angeles event’s two days of judging, GoMRI award judges looked at 19 oil-spill related projects without their students present, and then returned to interview 10 of the students in person.